Medication: One Possible Tool For Your Arsenal?

Many may be hesitant to take medication for depression; it is sometimes incorrectly perceived as a personal weakness. When we sprain an ankle or dislocate an arm, we require crutches or braces for support so that our bodies can heal. One may consider a similar attitude about the use of antidepressant medication.

It is very important to research the various types of medications that can be prescribed for depression, discuss these with your doctor and pharmacist and ask about side effects from various medications. Some side effects may include, yet are not limited to the following: nausea, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, irritability, restlessness, anxiety, decreased sex drive, weight gain, constipation, and headaches. Ultimately, it is your choice whether to use medications and for how long, however, it is important to work closely with your doctor to most effectively and safely use antidepressants.

A holistic approach to depression has shown to be the most effective treatment plan. Antipsychotic medications do not cure depression; they may reduce or eliminate symptoms which can help people address problematic areas of life. Pairing a medication plan with nutrition, exercise and counselling can help individuals suffering better cope with depression or possibly overcome depressive symptoms entiretly.

Counselling addresses factors medication cannot; helping people improve current relationships, heal past wounds, set healthy boundaries, reduce feeling overwhelmed by stress, and learn to cope with life’s challenges in a healthier and more effective manner.

As medication may improve the biochemistry factors associated with depression, counselling helps people resolve the psychosocial influences that heighten depressive symptoms. Essential life changes such as exercise, proper nutrition and healthy sleeping habits have shown to improve a person’s emotional state. Making significant lifestyle changes may be almost impossible without assistance, behavioural coaching and cognitive training. Cognitive-behavioural therapy, a well researched and evidence-based counselling approach, has been shown to be quite effective with helping those suffering from depression.

For effective assistance Book an appointment with us today!