Changing The Way We Think About “Diet”

Everywhere we turn, we are hearing about a new diet craze. Whether it be endorsed by a favourite celebrity or health professional, or it seems to produce fast results. However, we quickly come to realize that after trying about a dozen of these fad diets, the results don’t last. So on to the next one, right?

We tend to dread hearing health professionals and personal trainers use the term “life-long change” when it comes to losing weight and looking great. Why? Well, perhaps because of the word “LONG!” It seems like a lot of work. When we consider other aspects of our lives that take up so much of our time (e.g., education, working, or raising our children), we often desire something that will be quick and come easy to us.

So are you ready to “just do” this new diet view? I hear that its success rate is 99.9%. Most people who have done it report that it wasn’t easy, but it changed their lives for the better.

Consider this interpretation of the word DIET:

D        – Distinguishing between

I          – Intentional

E         – Effort and

T         – Trying

We try the latest fad diets. We try to be better people. We try to maintain healthy relationships. We try to raise our children the best we can. We try to perform well at our jobs. We try to be the best partner in our romantic relationships. We try, we try and we try.

Do we try to pee? lol… Think about it… do we? Do we try to pay bills or our mortgage? When our furnace breaks, do we try to fix it? When we fall, do we try to get up or do we just get up?

Most of the time we do not try any of these — we just do it! The results indicate that when we just do things (i.e., when we set an intention to take action), it will work. So what is holding us back from doing (with intentional effort) rather than attempting or trying?

Intentional effort involves actively changing our thinking (catching and replacing negative thoughts) in order to improve our feelings and behaviours or habits. When we learn how to do this well, we can change our lives, our relationships and our health.

Effectively shifting our behaviours from attempts into action allows us to take control of our lives. It allows us to think and plan accordingly and execute a new way of behaving. It inhibits us from giving up. When we are driven to positive action, our thoughts and feelings are also more positive and solution-focused. An intentional approach to change significantly improves our emotional state, providing more balanced emotional sense and expression.

So are you ready to take action and apply this new attitude about the term “DIET”to your life? We can provide you with the support and guidance you need to be a part of that 99.9% success rate. Call us today!