A friend of mine explains his life like this:

“My relationship is up and down, I have serious demons that have gone untreated for years, I am expecting a child, and all of it makes me unhappy. I don’t do anything with my days; watch television aimlessly, sleep, or feed my addiction with the temptations that surround me. And my eating? Well it’s not a nutritional plan that’s for sure. I am lucky to fit in two proper meals a day; otherwise it’s cereal, crackers and cheese, or canned tuna. I try to think about my life…I just go through the seconds, minutes, and hours of each day. If a subtle reminder of my previous life becomes present, I get really upset.”

It is easy for outsiders to simplistically say, “Well if you’re not happy, then make a change!” It may come easy for some of us to read this and assume this person is lazy and child-like. Some of this person’s family members or friends might become more argumentative because they have tried for years to provide support, advice, and resources for my friend to seek help. When it seems like your family and loved ones are giving up on you, it can make it even more difficult to make changes.

Nonetheless changes need to be made. This person is not alone. Many of us have had times when we are unhappy with some, many or all aspects of our lives. Changing things, situations, or the people in our lives, factors that fuel our unhappy thoughts, is difficult to do. So difficult sometimes that giving up or not trying at all seems like the better options.

What about just changing ourselves? Changing our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours can be the best approach to create happiness in our lives. What if we didn’t have to worry about other people, other situations, or our environment and just focused on ourselves; our attitudes and our actions? The possibilities of what this looks like and also what opportunities can arise for us can and WILL be life changing. As we change ourselves, our thoughts, how we handle situations, deciding positive shifts we want for our lives, the people, situations, and events in our lives will also shift.

To speed up the positve and developmental work on YOURSELF, call us today.