What is it about smooth stones, weathered over centuries by the constant tumbling and jostling of the waves and currents, that we seem to find so attractive? As stormy and turbulent waters persistently knock randomly shaped rocks into one another, their sharp edges chip away and once jagged stones become smooth, even soft to the touch. Their vast array of colours become brilliantly displayed.  Many of us collect these beautiful stones… some collected for a later project or purpose.

Ever wonder why all the stresses and struggles in life exist? What is it that we are supposed to learn from the difficult times, frustrating moments with family, friends and colleagues? What is the reason people are hurtful toward one another, to themselves or, as is often the case, to both? Some questions seem to defy clear, unequivocal answers.

These are spiritual questions we may ponder in our quest for meaning and insight into our very existence here on earth. Other such questions, defying clear explanations from scientific inquiry, may include; “Why am I alive?”, “Who am I?”, and “What happens when I die?”.

Perhaps these questions and the struggles and storms we face in life are shaping us. As we are knocked around by the multitude, the people, elements and issues we face, maybe we too are being shaped, smoothed out and formed into something beautiful. Who knows for sure… one day we may also be collected for some great project or purpose?

Finding ways to view the knocks and struggles in life positively is an art. Cognitive shifting or restructuring can be taught, learned and practiced. Be patient. It takes time to develop this skill, a skill that can be developed more readily with constant reading/learning, collaboration and mentoring.