
Cancellation Policy

Please provide at least 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If you need to cancel or reschedule with shorter notice than 24 hours, you are expected to pay for the missed appointment (unless your insurance or employee assistance provider pays for no shows and/or late cancellations). In the event we are able to fill your late cancellation time you will not be expected to pay.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. We do not disclose, sell or trade our mailing lists to others. The information you voluntarily provide is kept confidential and is only used to keep an accurate record of your involvement with us and to provide you with the very best service possible. For a review of our complete privacy policy please click on the following link: https://findingsolutionstogether.ca/policies-fees/privacy-policy

Confidentiality Policy

We take confidentiality very seriously and follow the professional standards of the governing and licensing bodies of our profession. No information about you is given to anyone outside of this agency, including parents, partners, friends, employers, teachers/faculty, or other persons, unless:

(1) We have your written permission or a signed release of information form.
(2) We believe it is necessary to prevent clear and imminent danger to you or others.
(3) You indicate there is reasonable cause to believe that a child, dependent adult, or a vulnerable elderly person has been abused or a crime may be or has been committed.
(4) A court orders us to disclose confidential information about you.

Client Rights Policy

Your involvement with Jeff Packer MSW and Associates Inc. is a voluntary act. We will do our best to either accommodate your needs or give you an appropriate referral to other services in the community. You have the right to be treated respectfully and ethically by highly trained, professional staff who follow evidence-based best practices to assist you with healing, recovery and healthy growth and development.

* The release of session notes:

Session notes represent session recordings and summary notes only and are not intended to represent all exchanged information from counselling sessions. Given this reality, the policy for releasing session notes is as follows:

– That clinical records released must not include any personal and identifying information related to other parties so, of course, these sections would be sanitized/redacted to the best of our ability. Ideally releases of information would be obtained from all participants in order to release the full record.

It is highly recommended that the release of session notes from our office be accompanied by a summary report (that further clarifies agreed upon therapeutic goals, background context which is often gleaned from reports, assessments and recommendations by other professional agencies and/or health care providers, interventions and approaches along with clinical impressions). This report can more accurately reflect the clinical assessment, therapeutic process, interventions and recommendations for your ongoing mental health efforts than simply reviewing session notes and summaries alone.

It is recommended that the release of records involves a debriefing session to review the notes and to clarify any questions or concerns you may have regarding the effective use of these documents.

Note: Please discuss any financial questions or concerns you may have with your therapist.


Reach out and we will do our very best to help you with this challenging part of your journey.