Getting Up and Out of Depression

Getting Up and Out of Depression

Are you tired of feeling depressed? Does the world seem cloudy to you, or is everything just black and white? It is interesting how most people have a basic understanding, to say the least, of depression.  Depression has been known as the most common disorder around...
A Disturbance in the Order of Things…

A Disturbance in the Order of Things…

As we get older, the order of things and the rules we live by become far more complicated, and we can be reasonably confident that others live by similar rules. When we drive in traffic, we can accomplish this task only because we are sure that others driving on the...

The Evolution of a Marriage

Dr. Mel Krantizer, of the Creative Divorce, Love & Marriage Counseling Center, has put forth the idea that within most long-term marriage relationships, there are seven distinct marriages: the ‘Movie Marriage in Your Mind Marriage.’ the ‘Our...