Teens Test Tolerance!

Sometime our teenagers seem to give us such a hard time we can feel like strangling them or just simply like giving up. It is common to feel like this. You are not alone when you feel frustrated and overwhelmed by this stage of family life. Don’t give up or “throw in the towel”. There is a lot you can do.

Getting coaching and guidance from our therapists, located in Oshawa, can help you adjust effectively to the challenges faced when raising teens. Reading the book the “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” by Sean Covey, and even encouraging your teen to read it, can be a great resource also. We refer to it as the “textbook” when working with parents and teens. Trust yourself to get professional counselling when you are unsure how to best resolve the situation.

Contact us at jeff@jeffpacker.com to schedule a session via Skype or in person.

Read more on teens @ http://jeffpacker.com/services/adolescence