While it sure is great to be employed, it is also important to take holidays for restoration and rejuvenation.  Planning for a holiday can add stress to our already busy lives; however, taking a little time to plan generally enhances your holiday experience.  With thoughtful preparation, we can reduce risks, prevent unwanted surprises, and improve the odds of having the vacation experience we desire. It’s funny how we sometimes put more effort into planning a vacation than we put into planning our lives; relationships, family and career goals.

Thinking ahead, budgeting and negotiating goals are a few areas to address. It is also important to take time to carefully consider the qualities we want to develop in ourselves and in our relationships with our spouses/partners, children, family and colleagues. It may be a good practice to intentionally do this on our holidays.

Some of us may do this already, taking stock of both our intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships and challenging ourselves to find tools to improve our walk with those closest to us.

We can use our holidays travelling for R&R and also for… charting out paths to improve our journey in life.


Reach out and we will do our very best to help you with this challenging part of your journey.