Is Something Getting In The Way Of Your Employability?

Some of us may ask ourselves: “Has anyone noticed how difficult it is to get a job, or is just me?” We focus our attention on job searching engines for 2-3 hours every morning. We search every possible key word that can describe our field of work. If we’re lucky, we will find about 5-10 new postings a day–and we apply to them all of course. We keep track of the application deadlines and as those days approach, we are consistently checking our phones, anticipating a call for an interview. But then no phone calls come in. Days without work turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months. I won’t mention what months can turn into. Are we ready to give up?

Did you know that just that simple thought, those two small words, “GIVE UP,” can hinder our ability to find work? It’s true. Even if we don’t say it out loud, when we think about those two words, our feelings change. We can become sad and depressed. We may start to think that we are not good enough.

But we ARE good enough! We’ve gone to school, we’ve gained experiences, we are talented, and our personalities are contagious. These are the thoughts we need to have in order to improve our chances of finding an employer who will be thrilled to have us join the team. These thoughts are easier said than done, especially when the credit card, mortgage, and all other bill payments are due (or past due).

How do you think counselling can help? Counselling may help us land our next job. With coaching, we can find the root to our stinkin’ thinkin’: the negative thoughts that have us discouraged and telling us to just forget it. Those thoughts did not simply emerge because we are having difficulty finding work.

Those same words came from way back in our past. At some point in our lives, we heard these thoughts, we heard examples of people “giving up”.  After that, at some point, these words turned on us as we told ourselves to give up or that we were not good enough. This stinkin’ thinkin’ has stayed with us all this time.

Counselling helps us to create new ways of thinking that improve beliefs about ourselves. Shifting stinkin’ thinkin’ in the background and bringing new positive thoughts to the foreground shifts our energy, demeanor and then the employment/career search also improves.

With help, we can learn to stay focused on the amazing qualities we have. This will increase our confidence in applying for jobs that truly interest us. Coaching will also help present the best parts of ourselves in interviews. And we will be able to celebrate our efforts and the process that gets us to our success; rather than viewing it as a struggle. If you feel other stresses are getting in the way of finding or keeping employment, and you want help –  give us a call .